Give me a "C"! Give me a "T"!

Guess what I get to check off my 2013 To-Do List?!?!  I am an......

Yep, that's right! I'm a proud new member of  Mad for the Mouse's Creative Team! So excited! So get ready to be on the lookout for kit-inspired layouts, new release announcements, more freebies, blog trains, and MORE!  Just wanted to share that... *SMILE*

2 Responses to “Give me a "C"! Give me a "T"! ”
  1. jr4mni says:

    Congratulations! Me too!!!! I can't wait to work with you and the rest of the MftM team! I'm sure we'll all become fearce friends soon.

  2. Just Tink says:

    I made it too! congratulations! I was just looking at your stuff and it is soo cute... i could have used your karate kid alpha today lol

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